
We have found the Visualisers have improved teachers’ and children’s understanding of success criteria and peer assessment, as well as adding enjoyment and excitement to all our lessons.

The staff have enjoyed thinking creatively to use the Visualiser in many different ways for a variety of subjects.

Paul Pratt, Deputy Head, Greenacres Primary School Tamworth




After a demonstration of various models we chose the Vidifox i-3380T.

We felt that the additional functionality of interactive LCD screen to easily review items underneath the camera and the ability to write directly onto the screen enabled points to be made quickly and easily both by the teacher and during peer assessment.

The split screen allows the class to compare work allowing good understanding of success criteria.

We can save 400 images on the in-built memory to review again when needed or transfer the image from the Visualiser direct to a USB memory stick for easy transfer & sharing onto laptops.

The provided software is simple to use and saves images to our laptops and the video recording function is great for modelling which can be played back as a starter or as guidance to tasks such as bisecting angles.

We received on-site set up where all our units were installed correctly and a staff training session guided the Teachers on how to use the Vidifox effectively.

The training also showed us how to integrate with our interactive whiteboard software so we can now transfer any resource from a mini beast to a page in a book into a digital resource which we can re-use whenever we like.

We are happy with the Vidifox unit & the support we have received

Mrs Linda Meredith, Head teacher. Radburn Primary School, Letchworth, Hertfordshire